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What Modern Men Can Learn About Self-Development from Ancient Indigenous Culture

Many men today struggle with finding a sense of purpose, identity, and belonging in a fast-paced and competitive world. They may feel disconnected from themselves, their community, and nature. They may lack the skills and wisdom to cope with the challenges and opportunities of life. They may wonder what it means to be a man in the 21st century.

One possible source of inspiration and guidance for modern men is the ancient indigenous culture of various peoples worldwide such as the Maori Culture. Indigenous cultures have survived and thrived for thousands of years, living in harmony with the land and each other. They have developed rich traditions, values, and practices that foster self-development, community building, and environmental stewardship. They have also faced and overcome many hardships, such as colonization, oppression, and genocide.

Let’s explore some of the lessons that modern men can learn from ancient indigenous culture, and how they can apply them to their own lives. We will focus on three main aspects: spirituality, rites of passage, and mentorship.


One of the most important aspects of ancient indigenous culture is spirituality. Spirituality is not necessarily about religion or dogma, but rather about a deep connection with oneself, others, and the divine. Spirituality is about finding meaning, purpose, and direction in life. It is about honoring one's ancestors, traditions, and heritage. It is about respecting and caring for the earth and all living beings.

Modern men can benefit from cultivating a spiritual dimension in their lives. They can do this by exploring their own beliefs and values and finding ways to express them in their daily actions. They can also seek out spiritual mentors, teachers, or communities that resonate with them. They can practice meditation, prayer, rituals, or ceremonies that help them connect with their inner self and higher power. They can also spend time in nature, observing, listening, and learning from its beauty and wisdom.

Rites of Passage

Another important aspect of ancient indigenous culture is rites of passage. Rites of passage are ceremonies or events that mark important transitions in one's life, such as birth, puberty, adulthood, marriage, and death. Rites of passage are designed to test one's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual abilities, and to prepare one for the next stage of life. Rites of passage are also opportunities to celebrate one's achievements, honor one's elders and ancestors, and receive guidance and support from one's community.

Modern men can benefit from creating or participating in rites of passage that suit their needs and goals. They can do this by identifying the key milestones in their lives and finding ways to acknowledge and honor them. They can also seek out challenges that push them out of their comfort zone, and help them grow as individuals. They can also join or create groups or organizations that offer support, accountability, and camaraderie to other men going through similar transitions.


A third important aspect of ancient indigenous culture is mentorship. Mentorship is the process of learning from someone who has more experience, knowledge, or wisdom than oneself. Mentorship is not only about acquiring skills or information but also about developing character, values, and vision. Mentorship is a mutual relationship that benefits both the mentor and the mentee. Mentorship is also a way of passing on one's legacy to the next generation.

Modern men can benefit from seeking or offering mentorship to others. They can do this by finding someone who has achieved what they aspire to achieve, or who embodies what they admire or respect. They can also look for someone who needs their help, guidance or support or shares their interests or passions. They can also create or join networks or platforms that facilitate mentorship opportunities among men.

Ancient indigenous culture such as that from Te Ao Maori ( The Maori World) has a lot to offer to modern men who are looking for ways to improve themselves and their lives. By learning from spirituality, rites of passage, and mentorship, modern men can develop a stronger sense of self, community, and nature. They can also find more meaning, purpose, and direction in life. They can also contribute more positively to the world around them.

Nā  Kane Harnett - Mutu

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